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My prior experiences with technology have been using different tools within school. We would most often use ipads or laptops in the classroom for various school projects. I am personally not very skilled when it comes to technology. I can figure out the basics, however when it comes to different and new tricks in technology I would often have to stop and ask for help. Once someone would show me how to complete something it would take me a few tries to finally get the steps down and fully understand how to use the certain tool.

In this class I hope to learn how to become fully capable and more comfortable in my technology skills. As a future educator I believe it is important to understand that technology is becoming a big part of how students are taught in the class room, so I am looking forward to learning about how to actually use the technology. Once I have the foundation of technology skills then I am hoping to be taught different techniques to implement technology into the classroom in order to better my future students education and skill sets. As a student I found it difficult and sometimes distracting to use technology is school, so I want to learn how to make technology use a smooth task in the classroom.

Today I learned that my own learning style tends to favor intuition. I also found that I am more of a hands on and visual learner. It is easier for me to learn when I get the opportunity to be active in the topic I am trying to understand or physically seeing how things work.While answering the questions on the learning survey questionnaire I found that I was answering questions with similar scenarios differently each time. I was wondering how this would show and affect my results. At the end of the survey I found that this only means that I have a balance between my learning styles. With exception to sensing vs. intuition where I lean stronger towards intuition, I am fairly equal between the other three dimensions of learning styles.


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