
Showing posts from September, 2017

Blog Post 4

I have been using twitter to mainly look at other educational organizations posts. I have found it beneficial because it gives me an outlet to see different articles on education. I think that twitter could help me in my future career as a teacher to help send out additional information to students. I could post clarifying assignments or sharing different articles that I find interesting for the class to read. It could be a useful tool for answering students questions because twitter is quick and easy to use. The digital divide affects each student's success differently in the classroom depending on which side of the divide they fall on. If the student does not have consistent access to technology at home than they are at a disadvantage. While there are sometimes other options of getting to technology such as the library, it still makes things more difficult for the child. Some causes of the digital divide is a family's economic status, some students from lower income homes m

Blog Post 3

With my existing knowledge I feel most prepared to teach the technology standards, "Multimedia Literature". This standard places emphasis on analyzing how different media styles can contribute to a literary piece's meaning and help the reader to understand the text. I feel prepared to teach this standard the most because I have been taught and practiced throughout my educational career a strong focus on the comparison and analysis of different pieces of work and how every bit put into a project is put with a purpose. I believe that because of my experience I would be able to efficiently teach my future students this standard. I fee most unprepared to teach the standard, "Multimedia: Informational Text" because some key elements of this standard include the knowledge of how to input different graphs, animations, and other "interactive elements" which I do not know how to do myself. I would like to use some sort of blogging application such as this one

Blog Post 2

As a student I have used Microsoft word for a variety of school assignments. Most often I would use MS word to type up my essays and bibliographies. Sometimes I would use word to create pamphlets and other projects. Teachers used MS word for multiple reasons usually to create class syllabuses. Another way they used word was to type out and explain class assignments. At the beginning of every school year it was required that English classes take their students to a meeting in the library where the librarians would inform us about copyright and fair use of materials. After telling students about plagiarism and stealing others works, they would require us to sign contracts saying that we understand what copyright and fair use of materials are and agree to abide by the rules. Talks about copyright issues were more often given in my English classes especially before any essays. However in other subjects, teachers usually brushed over the topic and told us to simply to cite our sources in

Blog Post 1

Teachers are influenced to use technology in their classrooms in response to standards given to them on national, state, district, etc wide levels. As the world turns to a new age where technology use is ever present, more requirements to implement skills that will help students be able to compete in a tech savvy world. New teachers are even being required to have proper licensing and training in technology in order to be capable of understanding the subject themselves so they can fully help students learn about the ever coming technological advances. Students can use technology in the classrooms to even further their education and creating a more efficient classroom. For example if a teacher is busy helping another student, the rest of the class can use technology at hand to help explain and understand concepts instead of waiting around for the teacher. Technology in classrooms helps students and teachers create a more diverse learning setting. ISTE standards are enforced in order t