Blog Post 2

As a student I have used Microsoft word for a variety of school assignments. Most often I would use MS word to type up my essays and bibliographies. Sometimes I would use word to create pamphlets and other projects. Teachers used MS word for multiple reasons usually to create class syllabuses. Another way they used word was to type out and explain class assignments.

At the beginning of every school year it was required that English classes take their students to a meeting in the library where the librarians would inform us about copyright and fair use of materials. After telling students about plagiarism and stealing others works, they would require us to sign contracts saying that we understand what copyright and fair use of materials are and agree to abide by the rules. Talks about copyright issues were more often given in my English classes especially before any essays. However in other subjects, teachers usually brushed over the topic and told us to simply to cite our sources in projects and some even told us not to worry about citing our sources. As a future teacher I will work to inform and guide students to use and recognize the importance of copyright and fair use of materials in their works.

With the integration of technology into classrooms a whole new world of issues are introduced. These implementation issues are a wide range of things broken into social, ethical, and legal issues. As a teacher it is extremely important to ensure that with the use of technology you are keeping your students, school, and yourself safe and educated in these issues. One problem that comes with technology is cyber-bullying. Students can use different social media platforms to bring bullying into the tech world. I will help combat cyber-bullying by informing my students of its consequences. I think it is easy for students to think that their actions have no meaning just because they are hiding their hurtful words from behind a screen. Making students aware that what they say and do online is still considered bullying and is harmful to themselves and others is one of the first steps in fighting against this problem. I will also take disciplinary actions when cases of cyber-bullying are reported that way students do not think that their inappropriate actions online are acceptable. Another problem with tech use in the classroom is the possibility of students stumbling upon inappropriate material while in the vast internet. To eliminate this issue I will invest in filtering software that block inappropriate websites as well as enabling parental controls. This will give me more control over what students have access to online and help prevent them from accessing things they should not be whether intentional or not. The internet is a very public place and as a teacher it is important for me to recognize this and work to keeping my students information private. When it comes to sharing their works online I will make sure to first have their parents permission to release their child's work online by having them sign a waiver and to not reveal any personal information about the student in order to keep them safe. Technology can pose many issues, but when used properly it can be a great tool to help elevate ones learning.


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